Shadow of the Dragon

Chapter 1: The Hunter and The Hunted

The evening sun hung low, its dimming radiance straining through the perpetual cloud cover that shrouded the world in eternal twilight. Each faint beam of light cast long, dreary shadows across the desolate cityscape, intensifying the somber ambiance that had become the city’s constant state.

Rusty steel skeletons of what were once towering skyscrapers punctuated the horizon. They stood defiant and forlorn against the graying skies, their tall structures little more than empty husks of their past grandeur. The hollowed-out windows were like vacant eyes, staring down at the lifeless world below, silent witnesses to the world that once thrived here.

Once bustling with the vibrancy of human life, the streets were now swathes of cracked concrete and creeping foliage, nature slowly reclaiming its space. Discarded relics of the past, broken-down vehicles, shattered electronics, and remnants of old homes littered the landscape, blending into the rubble.

The air carried a perpetual chill, a bleak reminder of the world’s grim state. It was interspersed with the metallic tang of rust and the faint, nostalgic scent of concrete and asphalt, echoes of the city’s industrious past. The wind whispered through the empty buildings, creating eerie harmonies that echoed through the skeletal city, the only sound in the otherwise silent world.

Signs of life were sparse yet present. Moss-covered walls, creeping vines, and hardy shrubs sprouted between the cracks, displaying a resilient splash of color against the monochrome palette. Here and there, resilient wildlife had taken residence, their eyes glowing in the dim light, their presence a stark contrast against the silent buildings.

This dystopian world was a melancholic tableau, a haunting echo of the old world, scarred by the passage of time and the consequences of human downfall. Yet, within its bleakness, there lingered an enduring testament to the resilience of life, a defiance against decay, and a faint glimmer of hope for a future rebirth.

The Hunter and The Hunted

From a distance, a lone figure darted between the buildings. With every move, the glimpses of an intricate dragon tattoo sprawled on her upper back became visible. She was the faceless girl, the most feared assassin in this dystopian world. Her real name was forgotten to time, lost in the echo of countless assignments, and now, she was known only by the myth inked on her skin.

Her target, a burly man known for black-market dealings, was scurrying down a twisted alleyway. Sweat poured from his face, a look of raw terror in his eyes. He had heard the rumors, the stories whispered in fearful tones in the darkest corners of the city. The faceless girl with the dragon tattoo was no mere story. She was real, and she was behind him.

Her movements were precise and measured, every step a silent waltz. She navigated through the skeletal remains of the city like a specter, following her target relentlessly. The stark tattoo on her back seemed to come alive in the dusky light, the dragon seemingly in flight.

The black market dealer bolted down the war-torn alley, his boots pounding against the rough-hewn asphalt. His breath was ragged, coming in huffs as he darted around the corners of skeletal buildings. The dread was palpable in his eyes; the reality of being chased by the faceless girl with the dragon tattoo was far worse than the rumors he’d heard in hushed whispers.


He glanced back, catching the sight of a figure swiftly navigating the dystopian terrain. The dragon tattoo on her upper back was all that marked her in the dimming light of the dystopian city. It danced in the fading sunlight, seeming to swoop and soar with each of her fluid movements.

Streets turned into alleys, alleys into dilapidated buildings. They moved a deadly game of cat and mouse through the labyrinth of ruins. Every time he thought he’d lost her, the silent echo of her footfalls would reverberate off the crumbling walls, a ghostly reminder of his impending doom.

In his fear-fueled frenzy, the man tripped over an uneven slab of concrete. He tried to regain his footing, but his balance betrayed him, sending him sprawling into a heap of rubble. The loud crash echoed through the eerie silence, momentarily drowning out the mournful whisper of the wind.

As the dust settled, he caught a glimpse of her silhouette approaching. He was cornered, trapped. The dragon tattoo on her back was the last thing he saw as she closed in. Her hand reached out to deliver the final stroke. He did not even have time to scream. The chase, it seemed, had come to an end.

Once her job was done, she retreated back into the shadows, the dragon on her back disappearing into the night. No one had seen her face. No one ever did. The faceless girl with the dragon tattoo was an enigma, a ghost story in the dystopian world that few dared to believe was true.

Returning to her hideout nestled amidst the ruined city, she accessed her communication device. A new message awaited her – another assignment, another name, another face. This time, the target was seemingly an ordinary person.

The Marked One

The dawn broke over the harsh expanse of the city, a cluster of dilapidated buildings far removed from the perilous ruins where the faceless girl stalked her prey. It was the quiet, surviving part of the dystopian metropolis, where ordinary life somehow persisted despite its dismal circumstances.

A man named Sam lived here in a small, spartan apartment wedged between two taller, weather-beaten structures. His world was one of structure and routine, a lifeline in an unpredictable environment. Sam was medium height, with a slender build that suggested more hours spent behind a desk than in a gym. A neat beard framed his face, and a pair of scuffed glasses rested atop his nose.

Each morning at 7 am, a soft chime sounded from his ancient, worn handheld device, an echo from the Equi-Era. There was no hot shower, no aromatic coffee. The luxuries of the old world were long gone. He started his day with a simple wash at the basin, followed by a rationed meal bar packed with nutrients to fuel him through the day.

In the soft light of the early morning, Sam stepped through the towering doors of the city archive. The structure, despite the rough conditions of the dystopian world, stood firm and stoic, a tangible monument to the past. The old guard, a burly man named John, was always stationed by the entrance, his gruff exterior hiding a gentle soul.

“Top of the mornin’ to ya, Sam!” John’s gravelly voice boomed through the silent entrance hall as he greeted Sam with his trademark phrase, a tradition that had become as routine as Sam’s own predictable life.

“And to you too, John,” Sam responded, his voice carrying the light of genuine happiness that not even the bleak surroundings could dim. A warm smile spread across his face, reaching his eyes and brightening his whole demeanor. His optimism and cheerfulness, despite their grim circumstances, was a trait that set him apart, an embodiment of resilience that was becoming rare in their world.

The day followed its usual course, hours filled with tedious cataloging and preserving. His meals were simple, consumed in the quiet solitude of the archive. The tasteless meal bars were a far cry from the culinary diversity of the past, but they served their purpose. Even in the monotony of his work, Sam’s spirit never wavered, his enthusiasm a beacon of positivity.

As the light outside began to fade, marking the end of another day, Sam made his way back to the entrance. John, still standing guard, offered him a gruff nod. “See you tomorrow, lad.”

“Until tomorrow, John,” Sam replied with the same cheerfulness he’d started the day with, waving at the older man before stepping out into the dwindling daylight. He retraced his steps back to his small apartment. The dwelling was more a shelter against the harsh world outside than a home, but it was his, a sanctuary of normalcy in a world gone mad.

Echoes from the Equi-Era

From the depths of the city’s shadows, the faceless girl watched her mark. She studied Sam, taking note of his routines, his simplicity, and his kindness. He wasn’t like the others, the ones she’d marked before. His life was quiet, non-threatening. He did not bear the stains of crimes or guilt that usually marked her targets.

Yet, a job was a job. She had been entrusted with a purpose, a duty to protect the future from the corroding influences of the past. Her personal sentiments held no place in the decisions of her assignments. As she observed Sam, however, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to this seemingly average man.

One particular evening, she decided it was time. She would confront her target up close and personal. She carefully maneuvered her way into Sam’s apartment, a silent specter in the dark, waiting for his return.

As the door creaked open, she held her breath. Sam entered, blissfully unaware of the impending danger. Before he could reach for the dim light switch, she lunged. In one swift motion, she was on him, her arm locking around his throat in a deadly stranglehold. His eyes widened in shock and fear, struggling futilely against her strength.

While struggling, Sam fell to the floor, and an artifact slipped from his pocket. It clattered onto the ground, the metallic noise echoing through the silent apartment. Under the dim light, she could make out the item’s shape, and her heart stopped. Surprise flashed across the faceless girl’s visage, and she released her grip on Sam. It was a pendant, intricately designed, with the engraved mark of a dragon. The same dragon that was tattooed on her back.

It was a symbol she knew all too well – the emblem of her lineage. This was no ordinary artifact; it was a relic from her family, a piece of her own past. A generational keepsake that had been passed down through her ancestors until it was lost in the chaos when the dystopian era began.

The faceless girl remembered hearing stories about the artifact from her grandmother. It was said to have an unusual energy, a power that connected their family to the Equi-Era, and it was believed to possess abilities yet unknown.

Bewildered and gasping for air, Sam collapsed onto the floor. The faceless girl, concealed in the shadows, watched as he lay there, panting heavily. She had a lot to think about now. The dragon mark on the artifact and on her own skin was a direct link to her past, to her own bloodline. And Sam, her target, had been carrying it around, unbeknownst to him of its significance.

But above all, there was an unsettling realization – her mission was about to become much more complicated than she’d ever expected…